Bienvenidos nuevamente a la comunidad Educatiles, hoy traemos un pequeño cuento en inglés sobre un elefante llamado Simba. Esperamos disfruten la historia de Simba the Elephant.

Chapter 1: The Adventure Begins

Once upon a time, in a vast green jungle, there lived a cheerful elephant named Simba. Simba was not just any elephant; he was the biggest and kindest elephant in the whole jungle! All the animals loved him. One sunny day, Simba decided to go on an adventure.

“Today, I will visit the waterfall!” he trumpeted with joy. The other animals were excited. “Can we come too?” asked Tommy the monkey. “Of course!” said Simba. So, together, they set off on their journey.

As they walked, they met a little rabbit named Ruby. Ruby looked sad. “What’s wrong, Ruby?” asked Simba. “I lost my way home,” she sniffled. Simba bent down and said, “Don’t worry! You can join us, and I will help you find your home.”

Ruby smiled brightly. “Thank you, Simba! You are so kind!”

They continued their journey. Along the way, they laughed, played games, and enjoyed the beautiful jungle. Finally, they arrived at the sparkling waterfall. It looked like diamonds shining in the sun.

“Wow! This is amazing!” shouted Tommy.

Everyone splashed in the water, and they had the best day ever!

Chapter 2: Helping a Friend

After their fun at the waterfall, Simba knew it was time to help Ruby. “Let’s find your home, Ruby!” said Simba. They asked many animals along the way. An old parrot squawked, “I saw a rabbit’s home by the big oak tree!”

“Thank you!” said Simba.

They walked towards the big oak tree, and soon, they saw a small burrow. “Is that your home, Ruby?” asked Simba. Ruby jumped up and down, “Yes, yes!”

They entered the burrow, and Ruby’s family was waiting. “Ruby! You’re back!” cried her mother, hugging her tightly. Simba felt happy to see Ruby reunited with her family.

“Thank you, Simba!” said Ruby. “You are the best friend ever!”

Simba smiled, his heart full of joy. “Friends help each other. Remember, helping is the greatest adventure of all!” And from that day on, Simba, Ruby, and Tommy became the best of friends, always going on new adventures together. They lived happily in the jungle, sharing kindness and love!

Si te gusto este cuento en ingles y quieres leer un poco más, te recomendamos visitar a Bedtime Stories for kids, un blog de cuentos en inglés.
