Bienvenidos a disfrutar de un lindo cuento en inglés sobre el tesoro de las Frutas, esperamos lo disfruten mucho.

Chapter 1: The Mysterious Map

Once upon a time, in a sunny village called Fruitland, there lived a curious little girl named Lily. She loved fruits more than anything else. One day, while playing in her garden, she found an old, dusty map hidden under a pile of leaves. The map had colorful drawings of fruits and a big red X marked on it.

Lily’s eyes sparkled with excitement. “This must be a treasure map!” she thought. She ran to her best friend, Max, who lived next door. “Max! Look what I found!” she shouted, holding up the map.

Max came rushing over. “Wow! A treasure map! Let’s go find it!” he exclaimed. They decided to follow the map together. The first clue led them to the big apple tree in the village square.

When they reached the tree, they looked around carefully. Under the tree, they found a shiny golden apple. “This must be one of the treasures!” Lily said, grinning from ear to ear. They picked up the apple and examined the map again. The next clue pointed them toward the sparkling river.

Excitedly, they ran to the riverbank. The water sparkled under the sun, and they saw a beautiful orange floating on the surface. “Look! There’s another treasure!” Max shouted as he jumped into the water to grab it.

With two treasures in their hands, Lily and Max felt like real adventurers. They checked the map one last time. The final destination was a secret garden behind the village.

Chapter 2: The Secret Garden

Lily and Max hurried to the secret garden, which was filled with colorful flowers and sweet-smelling fruits hanging from trees. In the middle of the garden stood an enormous fruit basket made of vines and leaves.

As they approached it, they noticed something sparkling inside. “What could it be?” Lily wondered aloud. They reached into the basket and pulled out a magical fruit that glowed with all colors of the rainbow.

“This fruit is special!” Max said excitedly. “It’s said to grant one wish!” They looked at each other with wide eyes. What should they wish for?

After thinking for a moment, Lily smiled and said, “I wish for all our friends in Fruitland to have enough fruits to eat every day!” Max nodded in agreement.

As soon as they made their wish, the magical fruit burst into sparkling light and filled the garden with delicious fruits of every kind—apples, oranges, bananas, and berries!

Lily and Max laughed joyfully as they saw their friends coming to enjoy the feast. From that day on, Fruitland was known as the village where everyone had plenty of fruits to eat, thanks to Lily and Max’s adventure.

And so, they learned that sharing is the greatest treasure of all!

Si te gusto el cuento El Tesoro de las Frutas inglés y quieres leer mas historias para niños, te invitamos a ver todos nuestros cuentos para dormir. Tus hijos aprenderán las mejores lecciones infantiles en nuestro blog.
